Meet Kim

Yoga for Every body

Kim Brown is a Yoga Teacher and Coach for people who want to feel good in their body, to feel strong, balanced and confident. She believes that yoga is about the balance between strength and flexibility, exertion and ease. With over 26+ years of experience as a science teacher and 11+ years as a yoga instructor, Kim can help you personalize your practice so that it works in your body. You will be supported on your journey towards whole body health.

Yoga has been in my life, off and on since my college years. Over the course of having three babies, now grown adults, yoga brought me a sense of peace and strength. It’s also seen me through difficult times. It was during one of life’s difficult times that I decided to pursue certification as a yoga teacher. It was more for a journey of personal development, but led to a strong and consistent practice, one that I share with friends and work mates in the spirit of stewardship.

Fast forward to 2020 and more difficult times as we all faced the challenges of Covid-19, Wildfires, etc… During some serious soul searching I’ve realized that not only do I want to use Yoga for my own gains, but I want to use my teaching skills to share it with the world. In March I began my advanced certification towards  my 500 RYT certification. The course work is near complete, but I will forever be a student.

My goal is to make your journey towards optimal health a little easier, more fun, and definitely rewarding.

Kim Brown


Educate and empower you with the tools of yoga, so you can take control of your health.


A world where people experience optimal health of mind – body – soul.
